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How Cache Detective 1.1 Can Help You Recover Deleted or Lost Data from Internet Applications

Writer's picture: neichigalteczpilroneichigalteczpilro

SubRosaSoft Cache Detective is a very easy-to-use utility that reads and extracts the cache files of many browsers and chat applications. Caches store copies of documents the user has accessed on the internet in order to reduce server access time. The information contained can frequently be used by an forensic investigator or network administrator to determine illegal activities have been committed. Cache Detective will extract existing cache files that have not been flushed. Typical data you can extract with Cache Detective includes pictures, movies, HTML files, PDFs, and more.

ActiveMQ Protocol Buffers Implementation and Compiler 1.1, Addressable URI parser 2.4.0, Addressable URI parser 2.5.1, Airline - io.airlift:airline 0.7, Apache ActiveMQ 5.14.0, Apache Ant 1.8.4, Apache Commons BeanUtils 1.9.2, Apache Commons CLI 1.2, Apache Commons Codec 1.10, Apache Commons Codec 1.8, Apache Commons Collections 3.2.1, Apache Commons Collections 3.2.2, Apache Commons Collections 4.1, Apache Commons Configuration 2.0, Apache Commons JCI 1.0, Apache Commons Lang 2.6, Apache Commons Lang 3.4, Apache Commons Logging 1.1.3, Apache Commons Logging 1.2, Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema 0.9.18, Apache Directory Shared LDAP Schema 0.9.19, Apache Directory Studio 1.5.7, Apache HttpComponents Client 4.3.3, Apache HttpComponents Client 4.5, Apache HttpComponents Core 4.3.2, Apache HttpComponents Core 4.4.1, Apache HttpMime 4.5, Apache Log4j Streaming Interface 2.6.2, Apache MINA Core API 2.0.0-RC1, Apache Santuario 2.0.6, Apache Tika core 1.13, Apache Tika parsers 1.13, Apache Velocity 1.6.1, Apache XML Commons 1.2, ApacheDS JDBM implementation 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Change Password 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Dns 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Ldap 1.5.7, ApacheDS Protocol Ntp 1.5.6, ApacheDS Protocol Shared 1.5.6, Apacheds Server Annotations 1.5.6, ApacheDS Server XML File 1.5.7, appium_lib 9.0.0, AssertJ fluent assertions 3.5.2, atob 1.1.2, atob 1.1.3, AWS Java SDK for Amazon API Gateway 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudFront 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudSearch 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Events 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Logs 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Sync 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon EC2 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elastic File System 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elastic Transcoder 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon ElastiCache 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Elasticsearch Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon EMR 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Glacier 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Inspector Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Kinesis 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon RDS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Redshift 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon Route53 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SES 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SimpleDB 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SNS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SQS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon SWF 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Amazon WorkSpaces 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Auto Scaling 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Auto Scaling 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Discovery Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Certificate Manager 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CloudFormation 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CloudTrail 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodeCommit 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodeDeploy 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS CodePipeline 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Config 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Data Pipeline 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Database Migration Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Device Farm 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Direct Connect 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Directory Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Elastic Beanstalk 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS GameLift 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS IAM 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Import/Export 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Lambda 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Marketplace Metering Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS OpsWorks 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Service Catalog 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Storage Gateway 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS STS 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS Support 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for AWS WAF 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for Elastic Load Balancing 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the Amazon EC2 Container Service 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the AWS CloudHSM 1.11.18, AWS Java SDK for the AWS Simple Systems Management (SSM) Service 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Java 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Java - Core 1.11.18, AWS SDK for Ruby 1.0.0, AWS SDK for Ruby 2.9.16, aws-sdk-core-ruby 2.9.16, aws-sign 0.5.0, aws-sign 0.6.0, Axis (Java) 1.2.1, beanvalidation-api 1.1.0.Final, browser-sync-ui 0.5.16, browser-sync-ui 0.6.0, BrowserSync 2.13.0, BrowserSync 2.14.0, btf 1.2, caseless 0.11.0, caseless 0.12.0, ci-js 0.0.4, CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Java SDK 1.11.18, code42_api_ruby 0.2.1, Cryptacular Library 1.1.0, Drools :: Decision Tables Module 3.0.4, drools-core 3.0.4, easy-extender 2.3.1, easy-extender 2.3.2, eazy-logger 3.0.0, eazy-logger 3.0.2, Ehcache 1.2.3, Elasticsearch 1.13, Elasticsearch 5.2.1, Excelsior JET WinService API 1.0.0, EZMorph 1.0.4, FindBugs - findbugs eclipse plugin 6.0, flori's term-ansicolor 1.6.0, forever-agent 0.5.2, forever-agent 0.6.1, google-checkout-java-sdk 2.5.0, google-gson 2.3.1, Groovy 2.4.4, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java 18.0, Guice 4.0, HawtBuf 1.11, hazelcast-all 2.5, Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Final, HTTP client framework for Groovy 0.5.1, incubator-cordova-weinre 2.0.0-pre-I0Z7U9OV, interstellar 0.0.8, J2EE Management 1.0 1.0.1, Jackson JSON Processor 2.4.5, Jackson JSON Processor 2.8.1, jackson-coreutils 1.6, Jackson-dataformat-CBOR 2.6.6, jackson-dataformat-xml 2.4.5, jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.4.5, Jackson-datatype-jdk8 2.8.1, Jackson-Datatype-JSR310 2.8.1, Jackson-JAXRS-base 2.8.1, Jackson-JAXRS-JSON_Provider 2.8.1, jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.8.1, Java Libraries for Amazon Simple WorkFlow 1.11.18, Java Native Access (JNA) 4.1.0, java-support 7.2.0, Javassist 3.20.0-GA, Javax Inject from the JSR-330 Expert Group 1, JBoss Drools 3.0.4, JBoss Drools 3.0.5, JBoss Rules Compiler 3.0.4, JCIP Annotations under Apache License 1.0-1, JCommander Library 1.48, Jersey 2.23.2, Jetty :: Proxy 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Servlet Handling 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: API 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Client 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Common 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Server 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface 9.3.11.v20160721, Jetty: Java based HTTP, Servlet, SPDY, WebSocket Server 9.3.11.v20160721, jmespath 1.3.1, JMS 1.1 1.1.1, Joda time 2.3, Joda time 2.8.1, JSDoc 3 3.5.6, JSON Schema Validator 2.2.3, Json-lib 2.4, json-patch 1.6, json-smart 1.3.1, jsr-305 2.0.1, kew 0.1.7, kew 0.5.0, kew 0.7.0, kinto 4.0.1, kinto 4.0.4, LessCss 2.5.1, LessCss 2.6.1, libphonenumber 6.0, LiquiBase 3.3.3, Log4J API 2.6.2, Log4J Commons Logging 2.6.2, Log4J Core 2.6.2, log4js-node 0.6.33, log4js-node 0.6.37, log4js-node 0.6.38, logagent-js 1.1.46, Lucene 5.0.0, Lucene Analyzers 5.0.0, Lucene Join 5.0.0, Lucene Query Parser 5.0.0, make-error-cause 1.1.1, make-error-cause 1.2.0, make-error-cause 1.2.1, make-error-cause 1.2.2, markup-document-builder 1.0.0, Metrics Core 3.0.1, Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault 0.8.0, Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Client SDK 4.3.0, Mocha (JavaScript Testing Framework) 0.3.7, msg-simple 1.1, Netty Project 4.1.5.Final, Nimbus-JOSE-JWT 4.22, Node.js 0.10.48, oauth-sign 0.4.0, oauth-sign 0.5.0, oauth-sign 0.6.0, oauth-sign 0.8.1, oauth-sign 0.8.2, objenesis 2.2, Openfire aka Wildfire 3.9.2, OpenSAML 2.0 3.2.0, OpenShift Origin 3.2.28, OpenWS 1.5.6, OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer 20160628.1, parboiled 1.1.6, Passay Library 1.2.0, pause-stream 0.0.11, pegdown 1.4.2, phantomjs 1.9.1-6, phantomjs 1.9.12, phantomjs 1.9.15, phantomjs 1.9.20, phantomjs 2.1.10, phantomjs 2.1.13, phantomjs 2.1.14, phantomjs 2.1.3, phantomjs 2.1.8, phantomjs unknown, Piwik 20170301-snapshot-7a8689e9, popsicle-proxy-agent 3.0.0, popsicle-retry 3.2.1, PouchDB 4.0.3, protobuf-net r602, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler 1.8.3, rc 1.1.6, reduce-component 1.0.1, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.42.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.51.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.55.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.61.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.65.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.67.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.69.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.72.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.73.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.74.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.76.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.79.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.81.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client 2.9.203, Request - Simple HTTP Client v2.75.0, Request - Simple HTTP Client v2.78.0, RxJS 2.3.24, RxJS 2.5.3, RxJS 3.1.2, RxJS 4.0.7, RxJS 4.1.0, Selenium 2.53.4, shade 1.7.0, shared 1.1.0, SLF4J Binding 2.6.2, SnakeYAML 1.12, spdx-correct 1.0.2, swagger-annotations 1.5.8, swagger-compat-spec-parser 1.0.18, swagger-core 1.5.8, swagger-core 1.5.9, swagger-jaxrs 1.5.9, swagger-jersey2-jaxrs (Jersey 2.x support) 1.5.9, swagger-models 1.5.8, swagger-parser 1.0.18, swagger-ui 2.1.4, swagger2markup 1.0.0, swagger2markup-cli 1.0.0, thread_safe 0.3.6, tns-core-modules 1.7.1, tslint 3.14.0, tslint 3.15.1, tslint-react 0.1.0, tslint-react 0.4.0, tunnel-agent 0.4.1, tunnel-agent 0.4.2, tunnel-agent 0.4.3, tunnel-agent 0.6.0, twitter4j 3.0.3, TypeScript 1.8.5, TypeScript 1.8.7, TypeScript 2.0.0, TypeScript 2.0.10, TypeScript 2.0.2, TypeScript 2.0.3, TypeScript 2.0.6, TypeScript 2.0.7, TypeScript 2.0.9, uri-template 0.9, validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1, Visallo: Web: War 2.2.0, watch 0.19.1, watch 1.0.1, Wicket YUI Integration 1.4.7, wikipathways-api-client 1.0.9, Xerial SQLite JDBC, xmlbuilder-js 2.2.1

Cache Detective 1.1


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